Faculty Senate Meeting


3 – 5 p.m., Oct. 3, 2022


  1. Call to order.
  2. Approval of the Agenda: Vice Chair of the Faculty, Mona Hymel (5 minutes)
  3. Approval of the minutes from the September 12, 2022 Faculty Senate meeting (2 minutes)
  4. Open Session. Time limit is 2 minutes. Maximum number of speakers is four. No comments or votes will be taken. (8 minutes)
  5. Statement from the Chair of the Faculty – Chair of the Faculty, Leila Hudson. (5 minutes)
  6. Action Item: Consent agenda –MS in Innovations in Aging GIDP - Chair of the Graduate Council, Ron Hammer. (5 minutes)
  7. Old Business

    A. RII Senate Seat DiscussionAttachment A, Attachment B, Attachment C – Secretary of the Faculty, Tessa Dysart & Associate Vice President, University Research Institutes, Elliott Cheu (15 minutes)

    B. Child Care Center – Vice President for University Initiatives, Celina Ramirez, and Secretary of the Faculty, Tessa Dysart (5 minutes)

    C. General Education – Executive Director of Undergraduate Education, Susan Miller-Cochran & Chair of UWGEC, Joan Curry (10 minutes)

    D. Faculty Senate voting procedures – Parliamentarian, Mark Stegeman (10 minutes)

    E. UHAP Updates on Section Five – Chair of the Committee of Eleven, Wolfgang Fink. (15 minutes)

    F. Sun Tran Resolution by ASUA – ASUA President, Patrick Robles, and Co-chairs of SAPC, Diane Ohala and Cheryl Casey. (10 minutes)
  8. New Business

    A. CatCloud overview – IT Business Architect, Meredith Aronson (10 minutes)

    B. Multi-year contract Resolution – Senator Katharine Zeiders (10 minutes)

    C. College of Medicine Tucson shared governance – TBD (10 minutes)

    D. Reform of Nominating Committee procedures – Chair of the Faculty, Leila Hudson (5 minutes)
  9. Reports from the President, Provost, Faculty Officers, APPC, RPC, SAPC, DEI, Graduate Council, Undergraduate Council, SPBAC, ASUA, GPSC, UArizona Staff Council, Gen Ed Office with UWGEC
  10.  Adjournment at precisely 5:00 p.m.

OCTOBER 3, 2022:

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