The University Committee on Corporate Relations makes recommendations to the President of the University (or his/her designee, upon request) about potential or changeable relationships between any part of the University of Arizona and one or more businesses or corporations. These recommendations will always consider how much any proposed new or altered relationship accords with -- or violates -- The University of Arizona Policy on Corporate Relations as approved by the President in a memo to the Chair of the Faculty dated January 29, 1999. This Policy mandates that the committee consider proposals in three areas:
- Use of the Universityâs name or symbols by an external entity;
- Implied University endorsement of a particular service, product, company, individual; or
- Public display of advertisements or other corporate symbols.
The committee is also charged with recommending modifications to this Policy or proposing additional policies, so long as its policy-change proposals are approved by the Faculty Senate before they become recommendations to the President.
Membership Requirements
The University Committee on Corporate Relations (UCCR) is a University-wide committee with shared governance participation. The committee will elect a chair annually who shall be a committee member and a member of the General Faculty. The regular voting membership of the committee shall consist of five members of the General Faculty appointed by the Chair of the Faculty and the remaining voting membership as indicated in the bylaws of the UCCR. If the Chair of the Faculty chooses to attend meetings and is not the committee chair, he or she may attend as an advisor as well. General Faculty members are appointed for two-year renewable terms.
Committee Resources
- Document