Senate Executive Committee

This committee shall establish the agenda for each meeting of the Faculty Senate and shall receive reports from the officers, the chairs of the Senate standing committees, Undergraduate Council (UGC), Graduate Council (GC) and the Strategic Planning and Budget Advisory Committee (SPBAC).

Membership Requirements

The Executive Committee membership shall consist of the Chair of the Faculty, the Vice Chair of the Faculty, the Secretary of the Faculty, chairs of the Faculty Senate standing committees, chair of the Committee of Eleven, chair of the Strategic Planning and Budget Advisory Committee (SPBAC), chair of the Undergraduate Council (UGC), chair of the Graduate Council (GC), one member of the Appointed Professionals Advisory Council (APAC) shall be appointed annually by the Chair of APAC, two members of the Senate elected at the regular May meeting of the Faculty Senate in alternate years from nominees whose names were submitted to the Faculty Center in time for distribution with the agenda for that meeting, the President of the University or his/her designee (non-voting), the Provost or his/her designee, (non-voting), the President of ASUA or his/her designee, the President of GPSC or his/her designee, and the Parliamentarian who shall be non-voting. The Vice Chair of the Faculty shall serve as chair of the committee. The committee shall establish the agenda for each meeting of the Faculty Senate and shall receive reports from the officers, the chairs of the Senate standing committees, UGC, GC, and SPBAC.

Committee Chairs

Professor, Vice Chair of the Faculty
College of Law
ex officio: Vice Chair of the Faculty, Committee Chair
2022 - 2026

Membership List

GPSC President
GPSC President
2024 - 2025
Faculty Senate Member
Associate Research Professor
Teaching, Learning & Sociocultural Studies COE
Co-Chair, Graduate Council
2024 - 2025
Faculty Senate Member
Associate Professor of Practice
English SBS
Senate Representative
2024 - 2026
Faculty Senate Member
College of Information Science
Co-Chair, Graduate Council
2024 - 2025
Faculty Senate Member
Senior Vice President, Senior Associate to the President / Secretary of the University
Executive Office of the President
Non-Voting Member, President's Designee
Psychology COS
Co-chair: APPC
2024 - 2025
Faculty Senate Member
Associate Professor
Electrical & Computer Engineering ENGR
Chair C11
2024 - 2025
Faculty Senate Member
Senior Director
Research and Discovery Tech, University Libraries
IT Liaison
ASUA President
2024 - 2025
Faculty Senate Member
Vice Provost, Undergraduate Education
Office of Undergraduate Education
Co-Chair, SPBAC
2023 - 2024
Chair of the Faculty, Associate Professor
Middle Eastern & North African Studies SBS
ex officio: Chair of the Faculty
2022 - 2026
Faculty Senate Member
Professor, Vice Chair of the Faculty
College of Law
ex officio: Vice Chair of the Faculty, Committee Chair
2022 - 2026
Faculty Senate Member
Information Technology Manager
Student/Academic Technologies
Staff Council Representative
2023 - 2024
Faculty Senate Member
Principal Lecturer
English SBS
Co-Chair, SAPC
2024 - 2025
Faculty Senate Member
Associate Professor
Cellular and Molecular Medicine
Co-chair: APPC
2024 - 2025
Interim Provost
Office of the Provost
ex officio: Provost
2023 - 2024
Faculty Senate Member
Associate Professor of Practice
Disability/Psychoeducational Studies COE
ex officio: Chair of Undergraduate Council
2024 - 2025
Faculty Senate Member
Associate Professor of Practice
Family Studies-Human Development CALES
Co-Chair, SAPC
2024 - 2025
Faculty Senate Member
Associate Professor
College of Nursing
Co-Chair, DEI
2024 - 2025
Faculty Senate Member
Associate Professor
Physiology COM-T
Co-Chair, SPBAC
2022 - 2024
Faculty Senate Member
Associate Professor
2024 - 2025
Faculty Senate Member
Department Head
Physics COS
Senate Representative
2023 - 2025
Faculty Senate Member
Associate Professor
Chair, UWGEC
2023 - 2024
Associate Professor of Practice
Co-Chair, DEI
2024 - 2025
Faculty Senate Member
Chemistry & Biochemistry COS
Chair, RPC
2024 - 2025
Faculty Senate Member