The ABOR IP Policy (6-908) requires that each University President designate an IP Official for their campus, who will manage Board-Owned IP “in accordance with the requirements of this policy and applicable law.” At the University of Arizona, the President has designated the principal of Tech Launch Arizona as the University's IP Official.
ABOR Policy also requires each University appoint an Intellectual Property Committee of faculty and staff. This committee will review proposed changes to this policy and make its recommendations to the President through the IP Official. Unless otherwise specified in university policy, the Intellectual Property Committee will also operate as a review committee in accordance with this policy.
The committee is constituted of at least five faculty and staff. The IP Official appoints the members, typically with inclusion of at least one member of the Research Policy Committee. The IP Committee “will review proposed changes to this policy and make its recommendations to the president through the IP Official.” In addition, the committee “will also operate as a review committee in accordance with this policy.”