The committee was established in 1947 by President James Byron McCormick to obtain advice from the faculty. When the Faculty Senate and Constitution were established in 1948, the Committee of Eleven was defined constitutionally and membership determined by faculty-wide election. It is unique in higher education governance structures and is independent of other faculty or administrative committees or organizations. The Committee of Eleven is University wide and does not have a prescribed agenda.
Faculty Constitution Article V, Section 3 provides: The Committee of Eleven shall: a. Initiate, promote, and stimulate study and action dealing with and looking toward solution of situations and problems of interest and concern to the faculty and to the University. b. Make reports to the General Faculty or the Faculty Senate. c. Speak for the General Faculty as and when authorized by the General Faculty.
Membership Requirements
The Committee of Eleven shall be composed as follows: ten members of the General Faculty, five of whom are elected by the General Faculty each year for a term of two years; the Chair of the Faculty shall be, ex officio, the eleventh voting member, and shall call the first meeting of the committee, at which meeting the committee shall elect its chair. To this number shall be added one voting student delegate selected annually by the Associated Students of the University of Arizona and one voting student delegate selected annually by the Graduate and Professional Student Council in whatever manner those bodies determine. The two student delegates shall be invited to attend all regular meetings of the committee.
Committee Chairs
Membership List
Upcoming Meetings
There are no upcoming events listed.
Committee of Eleven Survey
- Committee of Eleven Survey Qualitative Report [PDF]*
- Committee of Eleven Survey Quantitative Report [PDF]*
* This file is shared via Box and a NetID is required for access
Committee Resources
Committee of Eleven Letters
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- Document
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- Document