Strategic Planning and Budget Advisory Committee

The Strategic Planning and Budget Advisory Committee (SPBAC) in consultation and dialogue with the President, the Provost, and the University community, supports and enhances the success of the University through thoughtful and informed advice relating to: strategic planning, assessment of institutional priorities, review of budgetary policies, and the evaluation of programs and services. The SPBAC chair shall provide regular reports to the Faculty Senate.

In partnership with the University, SPBAC:

  1. Develops and disseminates the University’s strategic plan.
  2. Identifies issues that facilitate or impede the pursuit of the University’s mission.
  3. Provides advice on budget policies, significant budgetary actions and institutional priorities consistent with the strategic plan of the University.
  4. Evaluates the effectiveness of plans, policies, and the assessments that affect the entire infrastructure of the University.
  5. Develops guidelines for setting planning and budgeting priorities.


Membership Requirements

The Strategic Planning and Budget Advisory Committee’s (SPBAC) membership is comprised of twenty-one voting members and thirteen (13) ex-officio non-voting members.

 a. Eleven of the voting members are faculty: the Chair of the Faculty; six faculty elected by the general faculty for staggered, three-year terms; three faculty selected by the Chair of the Faculty in consultation with the President for three-year rotating terms; and the SPBAC chair. The SPBAC chair is appointed by the President in consultation with the Chair of the Faculty for a two-year term. The President and Chair of the Faculty may also select a SPBAC co-chair from the existing SPBAC membership; under such circumstances, the co-chairs have one shared vote. SPBAC chairs must have served at least one year on the committee prior to appointment as chair. The SPBAC chair may be re-appointed for one additional term, with the consent of a majority of SPBAC voting members.

b. If an elected faculty representative to SPBAC resigns or becomes ineligible to serve, the candidate who received the next highest number of votes in the same election will be offered the vacancy, with ties broken by the Chair of the Faculty. If there is no eligible candidate, the Chair of Faculty will fill the vacancy by appointing a member of the General Faculty to serve for the remainder of the term. 

c. The remaining ten voting members are appointed: two deans, two representatives from the President’s cabinet, and two non-faculty staff are appointed by the President for three-year rotating terms. Representatives of the Classified Staff Council, Appointed Professionals Advisory Council, Graduate and Professional Student Council and the President of the Associated Students of the University of Arizona (who automatically sits on SPBAC) serve at the will of their governing organizations.

d. The thirteen (13) ex-officio (non-voting) members are comprised individuals with expertise in strategic planning/budgeting by title and by responsibility as follows. Those designated by title are: Senior Vice President and Provost; Senior Vice President Business Affairs and CFO; President, University of Arizona Foundation; and President, Alumni Relations. The University of Arizona President, in consultation with the Chair of the Faculty, will appoint 9 individuals with senior leadership responsibilities drawn from areas that include institutional analysis and budget; student affairs and success; diversity and inclusion; research and health sciences; international and global affairs; communications, marketing, and public relations; and human resources.

Committee Chairs

Vice Provost, Undergraduate Education
Office of Undergraduate Education
Committee Co-Chair
2023 - 2024
Associate Professor
Physiology COM-T
Committee Co-Chair
2020 - 2024

Membership List

Dean, College of Medicine
Medicine Administration COM-T
Ex-Officio Representative
Senior Vice President , Chief Operating Officer/Chief Financial Officer
Ex-Officio Representative
Vice President, Black Advancement and Engagement, Associate Professor
Management and Organizations ELLER
President's Cabinet Representative
2020 - 2026
GPSC President
GPSC President
2024 - 2025
Faculty Senate Member
French & Italian COH
2024 - 2027
Senior VP Research & Innovation
Research, Innovation, and Impact
Ex-Officio Representative
2020 - 2024
Spanish & Portuguese COH
2020 - 2026
Associate VP for Finance and Business Affairs
Office of the Provost
Ex-Officio Representative
2023 - 2024
Regents Professor
Appointed Faculty by Chair of Faculty/President
2023 - 2026
Associate Professor
Management and Organizations
Appointed Faculty by Chair of Faculty/President
2022 - 2025
Obstetrics and Gynecology
2023 - 2026
ASUA President
2024 - 2025
Faculty Senate Member
Cellular & Molecular Medicine
2022 - 2025
Faculty Senate Member
CFO/Senior Associate AD of Internal Operations
Ex-Officio Representative
2023 - 2024
Vice Provost, Undergraduate Education
Office of Undergraduate Education
Committee Co-Chair
2023 - 2024
Professor CALES
Nutritional Sciences
2024 - 2027
Faculty Senate Member
Chair of the Faculty, Associate Professor
Middle Eastern & North African Studies SBS
ex officio: Chair of the Faculty
2022 - 2026
Faculty Senate Member
Administrative Operations Manager
Neuroscience, COS
Staff Council Representative
2023 - 2024
Vice President for Arizona International, Dean of International Education
Arizona International
Ex-Officio Representative
2023 - 2024
Vice Provost for Graduate Education
Graduate College
President's Cabinet Representative
2023 - 2026
Sr. VP, Constituent Relations, Marketing/Communications & Giving Programs
UA Foundation
Ex-Officio Representative
Project Director
Office of University Initiatives
Staff Council Representative
2023 - 2026
Vice President/Chief Budget Officer
Office of Budget and Planning
Ex-Officio Representative
College of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture/CAPLA
Deans Representative
2023 - 2026
Social and Behavioral Sciences/SBS
Deans Representative
2023 - 2026
Associate Professor
Physiology COM-T
Committee Co-Chair
2020 - 2024
Faculty Senate Member
President, CEO, University of Arizona Foundation
UA Foundation
Ex-Officio Representative
Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer
Human Resources
Ex-Officio Representative
Faculty Senate Member
Religious Studies & Classics COH
2022 - 2025
Faculty Senate Member
Assistant Professor
School of Natural Resources and the Environment
Appointed Faculty by Chair of Faculty/President
2023 - 2026
Chief Enrollment Officer , Vice President of Enrollment Management, Dean of Undergraduate Admissions
Ex-Officio Representative
2023 - 2024
Analyst, Planning
UITS Admin
Non-faculty appointed by President
2021 - 2024
Vice Provost, Dean of Students
Campus Life
Non-faculty appointed by President
2022 - 2025

Upcoming Meetings

There are no upcoming events listed.