Faculty Senate Actions


[Motion 2022/23-90]to adopt the April 10, 2023 Agenda with the amendment to adjourn at 5:00 PM. Motion was seconded.Motion passed with twenty-six in favor, eight opposed and two abstentions.
[Motion 2022/23-91]to adopt an updated agenda with the friendly amendment to ajourn at 5:00 PM. Motion was seconded.

Motion passed by unanimous consent.

[Motion 2022/23-92]to approve the March 27, 2023 minutes. Motion was seconded.

Motion passed by majority vote with thirty-nine in favor.

[Motion 2022/23-93]to withdraw a previous motion by unanimous consent.

The motion passed by unanimous consent.

[Motion 2022/23-94]to decline to approve the iSchool proposal as submitted to the Faculty Senate to create a new standalone academic unit college, until such time, as the proposal is resubmitted with the substantive answers to the queries conveyed, most recently on April 9, 2023, to President Robbins, the motion should be voted on by secret ballot vote. Motion was seconded.Motion passed by secret ballot vote with twenty-seven in favor, twenty-three opposed, and two abstentions.
[Motion 2022/23-95]to end discussion and begin voting on Chair Hudson’s motion, to remain within the timeframe. Motion was seconded.Motion passed with thirty-seven in favor, eight opposed, and one abstention

[Motion 2022/23-96]

[Motion 2022/23-97]

for Senate’s Support in the DEI Resolution


 to allow item 7B: Athletics Update – Faculty Athletics Representative, Ricardo Valerdi to be the next agenda item.

Motion passed by majority vote with forty in favor.

Motion passed with unanimous consent.



[Motion 2022/23-78]

to make a friendly amendment to the Faculty Senate Agenda to add three minutes after Senator Ziurys Open Session Statement. Motion was seconded.Motion passed by unanimous consent.
[Motion 2022/23-79]to make a friendly amendment to the Faculty Senate Agenda to extend discussion on Discussion/Action Item Seven: New Academic Unit: iSchool to thirty minutes and give the Presiding Officer unilateral authority to extend the discussion further, at her discretion. Motion was seconded.Motion passed with thirty-four in favor, none opposed, and four abstentions.
[Motion 2022/23-80]to approve the Faculty Senate Agenda for April 3, 2023 with the friendly amendment to add three minutes after Senator Ziurys Open Session Statement and friendly amendment Agenda to extend discussion on Discussion/Action Item Seven: New Academic Unit: iSchool to thirty minutes and give the Presiding Officer unilateral authority to extend the discussion further, at her discretion.Presiding Officer unilateral authority to extend the discussion further, at her discretion. Motion
[Motion 2022/23-81]to approve the March 13, 2023 Minutes. Motion was seconded.Motion passed with thirty-four in favor and eleven opposed.
[Motion 2022/23-82]to postpone the approval of the March 13, 2023 minutes until the April 10, 2023 Faculty Senate meeting to resolve controversies. Motion was seconded.Motion failed with twenty-two in favor, twenty-eight opposed, and two abstentions.
[Motion 2022/23-83]to approve new academic unit, College of Health Sciences with consideration of a more specific name change for distinguishment from other colleges on the Arizona Health Campus, the question of the name change should be brought to ABOR. Motion was seconded.Motion was approved by majority vote.
[Motion 2022/23-84]to approve the New Academic Unit – Department of Health Sciences Graduate Studies with consideration of a more specific name change for distinguishment from other colleges on the Arizona Health Campus, the question of the name change should be brought to ABOR. Motion was seconded.Motion was approved by majority vote.
[Motion 2022/23-85]to approve the Department of Clinical Health Professions. Motion was seconded.Motion was approved by majority vote.
[Motion 2022/23-86]alternative motion to approve the proposals on the consent agenda as is. 
[Motion 2022/23-87]that the Faculty Senate provisionally approves the iSchool with a timeline for a vote on final approval of May 2024 based on iSchool leadership providing to the Faculty Senate and/or any designated subcommittee, requested data on matters including but not limited to, actual and projected enrollment, finances, international corporate partnerships, and any other third-party contracts on or around the Fall 2023 Enrollment Census day and again by April 1 2024. Motion was seconded. 
[Motion 2022/23-88]to extend discussion by five minutes.Motion was approved by unanimous consent.
[Motion 2022/23-89]to move to Executive Session because the comments are more related to Executive Session. 



[Motion 2022/23-74]

to approve the Faculty Senate Agenda.

Motion passed by unanimous consent.

[Motion 2022/23-75]the Faculty Senate expresses no confidence in President Robbins and his management team, including the UAPD Chief Balafas, CFO Lisa Rulney, General Counsel Laura Todd Johnson, Dean of Students Kendal Washington White, Provost Folks for 1) FAILING TO DO DUE DILIGENCE to ensure the safety of the late Prof. Thomas Meixner, the Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences faculty, staff and students and the campus before Professor Meixner’s tragic murder; 2) A COMBATIVE, NON-CONSTRUCTIVE RESPONSE to the General Faculty Committee on Safety for All Interim Report and other Faculty Senate attempts to find ways to improve safety and restore broken trust on campus;. 3) INTENTIONALLY CALLING A PRESS CONFERENCE on the release of the PAX report thirty minutes before a Special Faculty Senate meeting dedicated to the resignation of the General Faculty Committee on Safety for All in which the administration had been allocated time to address elected faculty senate concerns. We call on the administration to demonstrate progress towards a comprehensive risk management system and accountability by specific personnel actions in the SLT, UAPD, OGC, and DOS, and the initiation of collaborative efforts with shared governance with a timeline and measurable benchmarks for improvement subject to Faculty Senate oversight within the next 30 days. Motion was seconded.

Motion passed by a secret ballot vote with twenty-nine in favor, thirteen opposed, and seven abstentions.

[Motion 2022/23-76]motion for cloture. Motion was seconded.

Motion passed by a two-thirds majority vote.

[Motion 2022/23-77]to adjourn. Motion was seconded.Motion passed by unanimous consent.



[Motion 2022/23-62]

to approve the Faculty Senate agenda. Motion was seconded.

Motion passed with thirty-three in favor, none opposed, and no abstentions.

[Motion 2022/23-63]to approve the minutes of December 5, 2022, January 23, 2022, February 6, 2023, and February 27, 2023 with a friendly amendment to include Senator Pace as present for the February 6, 2023 minutes. Motion was seconded.Motion passed by unanimous consent.
[Motion 2022/23-64]

Seconded motion from Graduate Council MS Cyber and Information Operations.

Motion carried with thirty-three in favor, five opposed, and two abstentions.
[Motion 2022/23-64A]Seconded motion from Graduate Council MS Software Engineering.Motion carried with thirty-three in favor, five opposed, and two abstentions.
[Motion 2022/23-64B]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council Proposal BS in Music TherapyMotion carried with thirty-three in favor, five opposed, and two abstentions.
[Motion 2022/23-64C]

Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council Proposal BS Computer Science and Engineering.

Motion carried with thirty-three in favor, five opposed, and two abstentions.

[Motion 2022/23-64D]

Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council Proposal UG Minor Weight Inclusive Health.

Motion carried with thirty-three in favor, five opposed, and two abstentions
[Motion 2022/23-64E]

Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council Proposal UG Major Planetary Geoscience. Motion was seconded.

Motion carried with thirty-three in favor, five opposed, and two abstentions
[Motion 2022/23-64F]

Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council Proposal UG Minor Bioethics. Motion was seconded.

Motion carried with thirty-three in favor, five opposed, and two abstentions
[Motion 2022/23-64G]Seconded motion Audit Policy Proposal and Benchmarking. Motion was seconded.Motion carried with thirty-three in favor, five opposed, and two abstentions
[Motion 2022/23-65]for cloture. Motion was seconded.

Motion was failed with fifteen in favor, twenty-one opposed, and two abstentions.

[Motion 2022/23-66]to table discussion. Motion was seconded.

Motion failed with seventeen in favor, twenty-one opposed, and zero abstentions.

[Motion 2022/23-67]to extend the time for discussion by five minutes.

Motion passed with thirty-three in favor, five opposed, and zero abstentions.

[Motion 2022/23-68]to extend the topic for an additional five minutes.


Motion passed unanimously.

[Motion 2022/23-69]to approve the iSchool Restructuring and Spreadsheets Item. Motion was seconded 
[Motion 2022/23-70]to extend the discussion by five minutes.

Motion passed unanimously.

Motion 2022/23-71]

to add time to vote on [Motion 2022/23-68] which is consistent with the previous practices during the meeting. Motion was seconded.

Motion passed unanimously.
[Motion 2022/23-72]

to postpone discussion regarding iSchool Restructuring and Spreadsheets to the next meeting. Motion was seconded.

Motion passed with thirty-nine in favor, ten opposed, and one abstention.


[Motion 2022/23-73]to approve the Senate Voting Resolution with a friendly amendment to approve the resolution pending a test vote. Motion was seconded.Motion passed with thirty-six in favor, one opposed, and one abstention.


[Motion 2022/23-52]to approve the Faculty Senate Agenda. Motion was seconded.Motion passed unanimously.
[Motion 2022/23-53]to approve the September 12, 2022 Faculty Senate Minutes. Motion was seconded.Motion passed with forty in favor, none opposed, and no abstentions.
[Motion 2022/23-54]to approve the October 3, 2022 Faculty Senate Minutes. Motion was secondedMotion passed with forty in favor, none opposed, and one abstention
[Motion 2022/23-55]to approve the November 7, 2022 Faculty Senate minutes. Motion was seconded.Motion was approved with forty-one in favor, none opposed, and two abstentions.
[Motion 2022/23-56]to table the February 6, 2023 minutes to the March 13, 2023 Faculty Senate meeting. Motion was seconded.Motion was approved with thirty-one in favor, two opposed, and three abstentions
[Motion 2022/23-57]to move Consent Agenda Item: New Academic Unit iSchool to the March 13, 2023 Faculty Senate meeting. Motion was seconded.Motion passed with thirty-seven in favor, one opposed, and two abstentions.
[Motion 2022/23-58]that the Senate resolves that the revisions of the Constitution and Bylaws, attached to its current agenda, accurately reflects (i) all changes to those documents prior to last Spring’s faculty votes andMotion passed with thirty-eight in favor, none opposed, and one abstention.
[Motion 2022/23-59]that the Faculty Senate charged all Senate and University-wide committees to develop or update and review their operating guidelines before the end of AY22-23, with updated guidelines to be housed in the Faculty Center and published on the Faculty Governance website. Guidelines will begin with any and all charges, and descriptions from Faculty Constitution and Bylaws. Motion was seconded.Motion passed with thirty-four in favor, none opposed, and one abstention.
[Motion 2022/23-60]the Faculty Senate requires all stipends/OPS, “other professional surface,” for Faculty Officers, elected Senators, Senate, Faculty and University Committee Chairs, and elected members of SPBAC, C11, CAFT, and the Committee on Conciliation will be disclosed to the Senate and listed publicly on a dedicated page on the Faculty Governance website. Motion was secondedMotion passed with thirty-one in favor, six opposed, and two abstentions.
[Motion 2022/23-61]to adjourn and carry out the third Resolution to the March 13, 2023 meeting as an old business item. Motion was seconded.Motion passed with twenty-one in favor, eighteen opposed, and one abstention.


[Motion 2022/23-46]to strike through the original agenda and substitute for an amended Faculty Senate Agenda with times binding. Motion was seconded.Motion passed with forty-seven in favor, none opposed.
[Motion 2022/23-47]to end discussion. Motion was seconded.Motion carried with a two-thirds majority vote.
[Motion 2022/23-48]that the Senate concurs with C11’s endorsement of the General Faculty Committee on University Safety for All Report on Oversight and Response Failure: Broken Trust. Lessons from the events surrounding the murder of Professor Thomas Meixner. Motion was seconded.Motion passed unanimously.
[Motion 2022/23-49]to extend the discussion by two minutes. Motion was seconded.Motion passed with a two-thirds majority vote. 
[Motion 2022/23-50to move to Executive Session for Honorary Degrees. Motion was seconded.Motion failed.
[Motion 2022/23-51]to skip reports and move directly into Executive Session for Honorary Degrees. Motion was seconded.Motion passed with a two-thirds majority vote.


[Motion 2022/23-33]friendly amendment to remove Consent Agenda Item: Approval of the minutes of the September 12, October 3, November 7, and December 5, 2022 Faculty Senate meetings from the Agenda. Motion was seconded 
[Motion 2022/23-33A] to approve the Agenda. Motion was seconded. Motion passed with forty-eight in favor. 
[Motion 2022/23-34]for a roll call vote.Motion passed.
[Motion 2022/23-35] Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council Military Excused Absence Policy Proposal and Benchmarking. Motion carried with thirty-eight in favor, none opposed, and one abstained 
[Motion 2022/23-36] Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council Undergraduate Leaves of Absence Policy Proposal and Benchmarking. Motion carried with thirty-eight in favor, none opposed, and one abstained 
[Motion 2022/23-37] Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council Proposal Graduate Minor Global Health. Motion carried with thirty-eight in favor, none opposed, and one abstention[Motion 2022/23-38]
[Motion 2022/23-38]Seconded motion from Graduate Council Proposal MA Bioethics.Motion carried with thirty-eight in favor, none opposed, and one abstention
[Motion 2022/23-39]Seconded motion from Graduate Council Request to Rename Division of Public Health Practice and Translation to the Department of Public Health Practice, Policy, and Translational Research. Motion was seconded.Motion carried with thirty-eight in favor, none opposed, and one abstention
[Motion 2022/23-40]that the Faculty Center Staff revise the minutes from September 12, October 3, November 7, and December 5, 2022. Minutes shall conform to the format used in the 2021-2022 academic year. After revision, they will be submitted to the Secretary for review before distribution to the Senate. Motion was seconded.Motion passed with thirty-one in favor, nine opposed, and nine abstentions.
[Motion 2022/23-41]to end discussion on [Motion 2022/23-40]. Motion was seconded.Motion was approved with a two-thirds majority vote, thirty-eight in favor, four opposed, and seven abstentions.
[Motion 2022/23-42]that the Faculty Senate authorizes the Nominating Committee to advance the names of all self-declared candidates for the Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure for the 2023 General Election ballot, in order to obtain non-binding guidance from the General Faculty with concerning which names place on a second and binding ballot in the runoff election (Pursuant to the committee’s responsibilities under Article 5, Section 9A of the Faculty Bylaws). This allows all thirteen, self-declared candidates for CAFT to be placed on the first ballot. Then, at its discretion, the Nominating Committee will choose the eight winners of that vote to advance to the run-off ballot thereby, eliminating their exclusive gatekeeping responsibilities and turning them over to the general voters. Motion was seconded.Motion passed with forty-nine in favor, none opposed, and two abstentions.
[Motion 2022/23-43]Research Policy Committee’s recommendations on F&A. Motion was secondedMotion passed with fifty in favor, none opposed, and one abstention.
[Motion 2022/23-44]that RII receive a Senate seat and there be a special election commenced before March 1st within RII to fill the seat for a one-year term, to then be voted on with regular, college-based vacancies on the normal schedule. Motion was seconded.Motion was approved with forty-three in favor, two opposed, and two abstentions.
[Motion 2022/23-45]to extend the meeting by ten minutes. Motion was seconded.Motion passed with thirty-six in favor, two opposed and no abstentions.


[Motion 2022/2023-21]to approve the December 5, 2022 Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda. Motion was seconded.Motion passed with forty-four in favor, none opposed, and no abstentions.
[Motion 2022/2023-22]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council Undergraduate Minor in Consciousness StudiesMotion carried with forty-five in favor, none opposed, and no abstentions.
[Motion 2022/2023-23]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council Undergraduate Minor in Digital Retailing.Motion carried with forty-five in favor, none opposed, and no abstentions.
[Motion 2022/2023-24]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council Transfer of ownership of Interdisciplinary Studies, Bachelor of Arts from College of Latin American Studies to College of Humanities.Motion carried with forty-four in favor, none opposed, and no abstentions.
[Motion 2022/2023-25]Faculty Senate endorses Committee of Eleven’s proposed changes to UHAP 5.2, which is the annual performance reviews of administrative personnel, and supports advancing them to the next step in the policy making process. Motion was seconded.Motion passed with thirty-eight in favor, five opposed, and four abstentions
[Motion 2022/2023-26]to approve Constitution and Bylaws Change, Item One: Bylaws Housekeeping Changes. Motion was seconded.Motion was passed with forty-three in favor, none opposed, and no abstentions.
[Motion 2022/2023-27]Motion to approve that there are non-material changes in the Constitution and Bylaws Change, Item One: Bylaws, Housekeeping Changes and they do not need to be voted on by the General Faculty. Motion was seconded.Motion passed with forty-four in favor, none opposed, and no abstentions.
[Motion 2022/2023-28]to approve the Bylaws Change for Article IV, Section 2 which ensures all necessary amendments are made to the list of eligible voters seven calendar days before the election. Eligible voters will be notified approximately a month prior to the finalization of the list, any requests for changes can be communicated with the Committee on Faculty Membership during this period. Motion was seconded.Motion passed with forty-three in favor, none opposed, and no abstentions.
[Motion 2022/2023-29]to make a friendly amendment to the Resolution of the Minutes on the Meetings of the Faculty Senate. The friendly amendment includes adding timestamps to the minutes. Motion was seconded.Motion passed with a majority vote.
[Motion 2022/2023-30]to extend the discussion on Parliamentarian Stegeman’s Resolution by five additional minutes. Motion was seconded.Motion passed with a two thirds majority vote.
[Motion 2022/2023-31]to adopt the Resolution on the minutes of the meetings of the Faculty Senate with the friendly amendment of adding timestamps to the minutes. Motion was seconded.Motion passed with thirty-seven in favor.
[Motion 2022/2023-32]Faculty Senate Resolution: We, the  Faculty Senate of the University of Arizona, request that the President of the University of Arizona in cooperation with the Arizona Board of Regents, the University of Arizona Foundation and/or the Arizona Legislature solicit, procure or allocate from the general funds of the University, the University of Arizona Foundation, or through a budget line item of the legislature, sufficient funds to pay for the Meixner family’s (Mrs. Meixner and her eligible dependent children) COBRA or a viable alternative for sufficient healthcare and retirement health benefits until Mrs. Meixner becomes eligible for Medicare benefits and additionally for the premiums for necessary supplemental coverage to Medicare for Mrs. Meixner thereafter. Motion was seconded.Motion passed with forty-three in favor, none opposed, and no abstentions.


[Motion 2022/2023-13]to approve the amended agenda. Motion was seconded.Motion passed with fifty in favor, zero opposed, and no abstentions.
[Motion 2022/23-14]Motion to table the minutes until a more complete version is presented for approval. Motion was seconded.Motion passed with 44 in favor, 7 opposed, and 3 abstentions
[Motion 2022/23-15]Motion to close discussion and vote on [Motion 2022/2023-14].Motion passed with 48 in favor, none opposed, and no abstentions.
[Motion 2022/23-16]Consent agenda seconded motion from Undergraduate Council Undergraduate Minor Addiction and Substance Use.Motion carried with 46 in favor, none opposed, and one abstention.
[Motion 2022/23-17]Consent agenda seconded motion from Undergraduate Council Undergraduate Minor in Entomology.Council Undergraduate Minor in Entomology. Motion
[Motion 2022/23-18]Consent Agenda seconded motion from Graduate Council Name Change-Graduate Family and Consumer Sciences to Human Development and Family Science.Motion carried with 46 in favor, none opposed, and one abstention.
[Motion 2022/2023-19]Non-consent agenda seconded motion from Undergraduate Council Grade Replacement Opportunity Policy Revision and Benchmarking.Motion carried with 37 in favor, one opposed, and 11 abstentions. 
[Motion 2022/2023-20]to approve Senator Downing’s Resolution. Motion was seconded.Motion was approved with 30 in favor, none opposed, and no abstentions.


[Motion 2022/23-6]to postpone the approval of the September 12, 2022 minutes until the November Faculty Senate meetingMotion passed with thirty-seven in favor, none opposed, and none abstained.
[Motion 2022/23-7]

to approve the Faculty Senate agenda with the friendly amendment to table old business item number 7F on SunTran until the November Senate meeting. Motion was seconded.

Motion passed with forty-one people in favor, none opposed, and none abstained.

Motion passed with forty-one people in favor, none opposed, and none abstained.
[Motion 2022/23-7A]to make a friendly amendment to move old business item number 7F (Sun Tran Resolution by ASUA – ASUA President, Patrick Robles, and Co-chairs of SAPC, Diane Ohana and Cheryl Casey) to the next month’s agenda.   
[Motion 2022/23-8]Consent agenda for MS in Innovations in Aging GIDP which comes as a seconded motion. Motion was seconded.Motion passed with thirty-eight in favor, none opposed, and one abstained.
[Motion 2022/23-9]Motion that the Committee on Academic Personnel Policy consider the matter of representation for academic support units based on the two thousand and seventeen bylaws and recommend action to the senate after a holistic discussion by January, two thousand twenty-three. Motion was seconded.Motion passed with twenty in favor, eighteen opposed, and seven abstentions.
[Motion 2022/23-10]Motion to end discussion on [Motion 2022/23-9]. Motion was seconded.Motion passed with forty-one in favor, four opposed, and two abstained.
[Motion 2022/23-11]Motion for a roll call vote.Motion passed.
[Motion 2022/23-12]to move agenda item E before agenda item B. Motion was seconded.Motion was passed with thirty-one in favor, none opposed, and none abstained.


[Motion 2022/23-1]to approve The Resolution concerning the process for electronic votes. Motion was seconded.Motion passed with forty-seven in favor, three opposed, and no abstentions.
[Motion 2022/23-2]to approve the Faculty Senate Agenda. Motion was seconded.

Motion passed with forty- eight in favor, none opposed, and no abstentions.

[Motion 2022/23-3to approve the minutes of May 2, 2022. Motion was seconded.

Motion passed with forty- nine in favor, none opposed, and three abstentions.

[Motion 2022/23-4]Consent agenda seconded motion from Undergraduate Council BS in Religious Studies for Health Professionals.

Motion carried with fifty in favor, none opposed, and no abstentions.

[Motion 2022/23-5]Consent agenda seconded Motion from Undergraduate Council UG Minor in Southwest Studies.

Motion carried with fifty in favor, none opposed, and no abstentions.


[Motion 2021/22-51]to approve the agenda. Motion was seconded.Motion passed
[Motion 2021/22-52]to approve the minutes of April 4, 2022. Motion was seconded.Motion passed
[Motion 2021/22-53]Seconded motion from Graduate Council Proposal Doctor of Physical Therapy.Motion carried
[Motion 2021/22-54Seconded motion from Graduate Council Proposal Master of Physician Assistant PracticeMotion carried
[Motion 2021/22-55]Seconded Motion from Undergraduate Council BS in Nutrition and Human PerformanceMotion carried
[Motion 2021/22-56]Seconded motion from Curricular Affairs Name Change Norton School of Human EcologyMotion carried
[Motion 2021/22-57]Motion to approve the Implementation Plan and Guiding Principles for Shared Governance. Motion was seconded.Motion passed
[Motion 2021/22-58]Motion to amend the [Motion 2021/22-57] for the Faculty Senate to compliment the Shared Governance Review Committee for its ongoing work to draft a proposed faculty-administration agreement or MOU, and the MOU agreement be referred back to the committee to identify successful shared governance agreements and other institutions of higher education, including but not limited to the following sections: 1) a definition section, 2) a linkage of the agreement to the current University policy architecture, 3) operational statements on academic freedom, 4) intellectual property rights, 5) conflict resolution, 6) adjunct faculty role retention, 7) faculty work assignments, 8) notification of vacancy processes for evaluations, 9) recall of administrators, and, 10) election processes.  from Undergraduate Council Change of Schedule Policy Revision. Motion was secondedMotion failed
[Motion 2021/22-59]Motion to table the document until September for further discussion. Motion was secondedMotion was withdrawn
[Motion 2021/22-60]Faculty Senate Resolution “We, the Faculty Senate of the University of Arizona herewith disagree with the past and ongoing integration efforts of UAGC as an operating branch of the University of Arizona, disavow the consequences which harm the University of Arizona’s academic mission, operations, reputation, and financial health and call for a full risk assessment of a full unwinding of the deal by September 2022.” Motion was secondedMotion passed
[Motion 2021/22-61]Motion to table the Resolution until September based on work being done in real time, new incoming Senators, to obtain more information, and confer with constituents’ opinions.Motion was secondedMotion failed


[Motion 2021/22-41]to accept the revised agenda. Motion was seconded.Motion Passed
[Motion 2021/22-42]to approve the minutes of March 14, 2022. Motion was seconded.Motion Passed
[Motion 2021/22-43]Faculty Senate Resolution recognizing the contributions of Career-track faculty in the development of the General Education Curriculum Refresh. Motion was seconded.Motion Passed
[Motion 2021/22-44]Faculty Senate Resolution Opposition to the Stop Critical Race Theory and Racial Discrimination in Schools and Other Public Institutions.Motion Passed
[Motion 2021/22-45]Motion to postpone [Motion 2021/22-44].Motion Withdrawn
[Motion 2021/22-46]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council Class Attendance, Participation, and Administrative Drop Policy Revision.Motion Carried
[Motion 2021/22-47]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council Choice of Catalog Revision.Motion Carried
[Motion 2021/22-48]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council Change of Schedule Policy Revision

Motion carried

[Motion 2021/22-49Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council Posthumous Degree Policy Proposal

Motion carried

[Motion 2021/22-50]

Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council Undergraduate Minor in Sustainable Mineral Resources

Motion carried


[Motion 2021/22-35]to accept the revised agenda.Motion passed.
[Motion 2021/22-36]to approve the minutes of January 31, 2022.Motion passed.
[Motion 2021/22-37]to approve the minutes of February 2, 2022.Motion passed.
[Motion 2021/22-38]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council to approve Undergraduate Minor JEDI.Motion carried.
[Motion 2021/22-39]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council to approve Undergraduate Minor Future Earth Resilience.Motion carried.
[Motion 2021/22-40]to postpone voting on Recognizing the Contributions of Career-track Faculty in the Development of the General Education Refresh Resolution pending changes until the next Faculty Senate meeting.Motion passed

[Motion 2021/22-30]Motion to postpone the next agenda item Executive Session for Honorary Degrees to allow other Faculty Senators to continue discussion and ask questions.Motion was withdrawn.
[Motion 2021/22-31]Motion to approve today’s meeting agenda.Motion failed.
[Motion 2021/22-32]Motion to allow for some items to be removed from the agenda to give Faculty Senators ample time to discuss the UAGC item listed on the agenda. Motion passed.
[Motion 2021/22-33]Motion to approve the Resolution to Oppose SB 1123 on behalf of the Faculty Senate. Motion was seconded.Motion passed.
[Motion 2021/22-34]Seconded motion from Graduate Council Ecosystem Genomics GIDP.Motion carried.

[Motion 2021/22-26]Motion to approve today’s meeting agenda.Motion passed
[Motion 2021/22-27]Motion to approve the minutes of December 6, 2021.Motion passed.
[Motion 2021/22-28]Motion that the Faculty Senate votes to oppose President Robbins’ plan to move forward with the University of Arizona assuming added responsibility for UAGC by means of the proposed merger and that we recommend acceptance of the Department of Education’s condition of a financial audit being conducted on UAGC and the UArizona Foundation in relation to UAGC, after which, if the Department of Education continues title IV eligibility for UAGC, the Faculty Senate will organize an advisory committee to organize and oversee an admissions and educational audit in order to further movement on the relationship between UAGC and the University of Arizona.Motion was postponed following subsequent motion.
[Motion 2021/22-29]Motion to postpone motion [Motion 2021/22-28] until the February 7, 2022 Faculty Senate meeting.Motion passed.
[Motion 2021/22-30]Motion to postpone the next agenda item Executive Session for Honorary Degrees to allow other Faculty Senators to continue discussion and ask questions.Motion was withdrawn.

[Motion 2021/22-19]Motion to approve the agenda.Motion passed.
[Motion 2021/22-20]Motion to approve the minutes of November 1, 2021.Motion Passed
[Motion 2021/22-21]Motion to table the section on the revising of the grievance procedure, as it is weakening safeguards and protection.Motion was seconded
[Motion 2021/22-22]Motion to remove items 4,5,7 all items relating to CAFT and grievance procedures and to move into Executive Session. 
[Motion 2021/22-23]Motion to table all proposed changes to bylaws until senate clarifies what was ratified in the past.Motion passed.
[Motion 2021/22-24]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council Proposal for Organizational Change in Africana Studies.Motion carried.
[Motion 2021/22-25]Seconded motion from Graduate Council MS in Clinical Research post GPERC.Motion carried.

[Motion 2021/22-12]Motion to approve the agenda.Motion passed.
[Motion 2021/22-13]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council Undergraduate Minor in Neuroscience.Motion carried.
[Motion 2021/22-14]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council Undergraduate Minor AETI Community Innovation.Motion carried.
[Motion 2021/22-15]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council Double Use of Courses Amendment.Motion carried.
[Motion 2021/22-16]Motion to approve the amended Senate Resolution on College Faculty Advisory Committees.Motion passed.
[Motion 2021/22-17]Motion to approve the Constitution and Bylaws revisions.Motion failed.
[Motion 2021/22-18]Motion to postpone approval of the Constitution and Bylaws revisions until the next Faculty Senate meeting because the preamble mentions the two other in-state Universities, and Article I of the Constitution should reference the core principle of the fact that the Faculty Senate as a body is the unit that represents faculty governance, along with Committee of Eleven.Motion passed.

[Motion 2021/22-4]Motion to approve the agenda. Motion was seconded.Motion was superseded by [Motion 2021/22-5] and not voted on.
[Motion 2021/22-5]Motion to amend the agenda. By introducing two items for discussion and possible action at the top of the meeting. Directly after open session. These two items pertain to the Senate properly fulfilling its legal responsibilities – one for naming facilities and the other for curriculum development and approval. The first item is pertaining to the Senate’s role in naming facilities. The second item to be added is an information and possible action item to clarify the Senate’s vote after the April 5, 2021 Faculty Senate meeting on the Gen Ed Refresh.Motion passed.
[Motion 2021/22-6]Motion for cloture.Motion passed.
[Motion 2021/22-7]Motion to introduce Hudson’s proposed two items following Open Session for discussion on today’s agenda.Motion passed.
[Motion 2021/22-8]We, the Faculty Senate shall not consider requests for naming of facilities, academic program units for Faculty Senate approval unless the President, or his or her designee, share with the Faculty Senate all of the commitments and contractual agreements and specifics, in compliance with the criteria and scope of State and ABOR Section 1-117(f) and EOP-100 criteria, including a vote in support of the proposal from the Faculty affiliated with the programmatic unit being named.Motion passed.
[Motion 2021/22-9]The vote on the Gen Ed refresh taken on April 5, 2021 on Qualtrics was a vote in support of continuing engagement, but not final approval of the Program. This vote will be that ABOR be formally informed of this clarification by Faculty Senate, and we clarified by members of Faculty Senate, and that the Faculty Senate cannot grant final approval without seeing and discussing all plans developed in the Gen Ed Office, all program requirements, all versions of documentation presented, and commitments made to ABOR about the American Institutions and Civil Discourse including with ABOR staff and the organizational and budgetary implications of the Gen Ed Refresh and new Gen Ed Office.Motion passed.
[Motion 2021/22-10]Motion for cloture.Motion passed.
[Motion 2021/22-11]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council Undergraduate Minor in Environment and Occupation Health.Motion carried.

[Motion 2021/22-1]Motion to approve the agenda.Motion passed.
[Motion 2021/22-2]Motion to table the Constitution and Bylaws presentation until the October Faculty Senate meeting because Senator Brewer was absent.Motion passed.
[Motion 2021/22-3]Motion to move into Executive Session.Motion passed.

[Motion 2020/21-36]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council BS in Medicine.Motion passed by secret ballot via Qualtrics Survey
[Motion 2020/21-40]Seconded motion School of Mining and Mineral Resources.Motion carried.
[Motion 2020/21-41]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council Undergraduate Minor in Life Sciences Education.Motion carried.
[Motion 2020/21-42]Seconded motion from Graduate Council MS in Data Science.Motion carried.
[Motion 2020/21-43]for a real-time secret ballot in Qualtrics to vote on the BS in Medicine.Motion passed.
[Motion 2020/21-44]to vote on the Constitution and Bylaws revisions as amended as a group.Motion passed.

[Motion 2020/21-39]To reaffirm in-person voting, either by hand raise, voice, or roll call, by only attendees of the Faculty Senate meetingsMotion passed

[Motion 2020/21-34]Seconded motion from Graduate Council MA Research for Social ChangeMotion carried via Qualtrics survey
[Motion 2020/21-35]Seconded motion from Graduate Council Credit for Prior Learning – Policy Revision for Master’s ProgramMotion carried via Qualtrics survey
[Motion 2020/21-36]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council BS in MedicineMotion was postponed
[Motion 2020/21-37]To vote on the General Education process and implementation and moving forward with the program, not content since content is still being finalizedMotion passed via Qualtrics survey
[Motion 2020/21-38]To remove the appointment of administrators to Senate Standing Committees in the BylawsVoting on the Constitution and Bylaws revisions was postponed for further discussion

Please click here for the April 5, 2021 Faculty Senate voting report [PDF]

[Motion 2020/21-26]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council BA in Design Arts and PracticeMotion carried via Qualtrics survey.
[Motion 2020/21-27]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council BA in Live and Immersive ArtsMotion carried via Qualtrics survey.
[Motion 2020/21-28]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council BA in Wellness and HP PracticeMotion carried via Qualtrics survey.
[Motion 2020/21-29]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council UG Minor in Additive ManufacturingMotion carried via Qualtrics survey
[Motion 2020/21-30]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council UG Minor in Aging and Population Health.Motion carried via Qualtrics survey
[Motion 2020/21-31]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council UG Minor in eSportMotion carried via Qualtrics survey
[Motion 2020/21-32]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council UG Minor in Global HealthMotion carried via Qualtrics survey
[Motion 2020/21-33]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council UG Minor in One HealthMotion carried via Qualtrics survey
[Motion 2020/21-24]Seconded motion from Graduate Council MA in Philosophy, Politics, and EconomicsMotion carried via Qualtrics survey

Please click here for the March 1, 2021 Faculty Senate voting report [PDF]

[Motion 2020/21-23]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council Undergraduate Minor in Asian Pacific American Studies.Motion carried via Qualtrics survey.
[Motion 2020/21-24]Seconded motion from Graduate Council MA in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. Item was removed from Consent agenda to Non-consent agenda.Motion was postponed.
[Motion 2020/21-25]to postpone consideration of [Motion 2020/21-24].Motion passed.

Please click here for the January 25, 2021 Faculty Senate voting report [PDF]

[Motion 2020/21-21]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council Syllabus Template Title IX AmendmentMotion Carried via Qualtrics survey
[Motion 2020/21-22]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council Undergraduate Certificate Policy AmendmentMotion Carried via Qualtrics Survey

Please click here for the December 7, 2020 Faculty Senate voting report [PDF]

[Motion 2020/21-11]Faculty Senate commits to complying with Arizona Open Meeting Law.Motion failed via Qualtrics survey
[Motion 2020/21-19]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council. Undergraduate Minor in Real Estate.Motion carried via Qualtrics survey
[Motion 2020/21-20]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council. Undergraduate Minor in Climate Change and Society.Motion carried via Qualtrics survey

Please click here for the November 2, 2020 Faculty Senate voting report [PDF]

[Motion 2020/21-11]Faculty Senate commits to complying with Arizona Open Meeting Law. Motion was seconded.Motion was tabled for further discussion due to time constraints.  
[Motion 2020/21-12]Table Motion [Motion 2020/21-11]. Motion was seconded.Motion passed  
[Motion 2020/21-13]Approve Proposed One-Time adjustment to Spring 2021 calendar to mitigate spread of COVID-19. Motion was seconded.Motion passed via Qualtrics survey.  
[Motion 2020/21-14]Constitution Change – Clarify how/if voting privileges change when a faculty member’s home college changesMotion passed via Qualtrics survey.  
[Motion 2020/21-15]Constitution Change – Provide options for Senate/Senators to call an emergency Senate meeting.Motion passed via Qualtrics survey.  
Motion 2020/21-16]Constitution Change – Make governance participation (and responsibility) equitable across faculty types within the General Faculty at all levelsMotion passed via Qualtrics survey.  
[Motion 2020/21-17]Bylaws Change – Require the selection of faculty for shared governance representation to follow uniform processes at all levels and for all purposes, as spelled out in the MOU on Shared Governance UnderstandingMotion passed via Qualtrics survey.  
[Motion 2020/21-18]Housekeeping Change - Constitution – Designated Campus Colleague faculty may not be members of the General Faculty, per ABOR policy. Replacing "Individuals" with "Employees" will exclude DCC faculty from the General Faculty, thus bringing our criteria into alignment with ABOR PolicyMotion passed via Qualtrics survey.     

Please click here for the October 5, 2020 Faculty Senate Voting Report [PDF]

Please click here for the October 5, 2020 C&B Items Faculty Senate Voting Report [PDF]

[Motion 2020/21-1]to distribute the Faculty Senate minutes promptly to the General Faculty on the All Faculty listserv upon approval. Motion was seconded.Motion passed via Qualtrics survey.
[Motion 2020/21-2]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council to approve BAS in Early Childhood Education.Motion carried via Qualtrics survey.
[Motion 2020/21-3]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council to approve BA in Human Rights Practice.Motion carried via Qualtrics survey.
[Motion 2020/21-4]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council to approve BA in Fashion Industry’s Science and Technology.Motion carried via Qualtrics survey.
[Motion 2020/21-5]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council to approve BA in Applied Biotechnology.Motion carried.
[Motion 2020/21-6]to distribute the information on the formation of a Faculty Union on the All Faculty listserv.Motion was seconded. Motion passed via Qualtrics Survey.
[Motion 2020/21-7]to delay the issuing and signing of contracts/Notice of Appointments until fall revenue numbers are available. Motion was seconded.Motion passed via Qualtrics survey.
[Motion 2020/21-8]to include language in the contracts about each employee’s base salary prior to pay reduction, as well as the reduced pay amount listed in the current contract/notice of appointment and a clear indication that the latter is temporary and extraordinary.Motion was seconded. Motion passed via Qualtrics survey.
[Motion 2020/21-9]to Reduce or halt the existing furloughs/pay cut plan prior to June 30, 2021 as warranted by higher enrollment and tuition revenues than expected (as per GFFAC recommendations).Motion was seconded. Motion passed via Qualtrics survey.
[Motion 2020/21-10]to allow employees who have already signed their current contract to sign an updated contract in October reflecting any changes. Motion was seconded.Motion passed via Qualtrics survey.

Please click here for the September 14, 2020 Faculty Senate Voting Report [PDF]

[Motion 2019/20-40]Motion to appoint a General Faculty ad hoc committee to look into Ashford’s finances. Motion was seconded.Motion withdrawn.
[Motion 2019/20-41]Motion for a Resolution for on Documentation and Due Diligence on the Ashford Deal:
 "I call upon President Robbins to release immediately to the Faculty Senate and C11 as the appropriate shared governance bodies under ARS 15-1601B: 1) all documentation of the Ashford acquisition (the "Purchase," "Strategic Services," "Transition Services" Agreements and inventories of assets and liabilities changing hands, and any pre-acquisition review correspondence with the U.S. Department of Education referred to or implied in Zovio's August 1, 2020 8-K SEC Filing.pdf);" 2) all documentation clarifying the terms of affiliation, governance, accreditation and fee structure relationships of all University of Arizona and University of Arizona Global Campus entities involved in the transaction, including with the Arizona Board of Regents and the Higher Learning Commission; 3) all documentation of due diligence performed by the University of Arizona administration in 2019 and 2020, including Ashford/Zovio legal liabilities, faculty and student working and learning conditions, financial projections, allegations of predatory recruitment, fraudulent marketing, aggressive or illegal debt collection, curricular overlap, competition with UArizona programs, and the process of consultation under Non-disclosure Agreements and the results of those consultations.  that the University of Arizona commit to long-term borrowing options, such as issuing a bond. Motion was seconded.
Motion passed via Qualtrics survey.
[Motion 2019/20-42]to distribute a twenty-page memorandum from CAJUA member Gary Rhoades on the All Faculty Listserv.Motion was seconded and passed via Qualtrics survey.
[Motion 2019/20-43]Motion to Endorse the Acquisition of Ashford University, "Based on the information provided by Senior Leadership to date, including the Special Session Faculty Senate meeting held on August 17, 2020, we, the Faculty Senate, do not endorse the acquisition of Ashford University."Motion was seconded. Motion passed via Qualtrics survey.

Please click here for the August 17, 2020 Faculty Senate Voting Report [PDF]

[Motion 2019/20-35]Motion that the University of Arizona commit to short-term borrowing options, such as obtaining a line of credit. Motion was seconded.Motion passed via Qualtrics survey.
[Motion 2019/20-36]Motion that the University of Arizona commit to long-term borrowing options, such as issuing a bond.Motion was seconded. Motion passed via Qualtrics survey.
[Motion 2019/20-37]that the University of Arizona modify or eliminate its current furlough plan Motion was seconded.Motion passed via Qualtrics survey.
[Motion 2019/20-38]that the University of Arizona budget and finance team include multiple stakeholders from shared governance (faculty, staff, and graduate students) to review, evaluate, and advise on future changes to the furlough and other mitigation strategies from here on out, particularly at critical time points (October 2020 and March 2021). Motion was seconded.Motion passed via Qualtrics survey.
[Motion 2019/20-39]

Proposed Resolution for a Safe Reopening of Campus during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Motion was seconded.

WHEREAS, WE the Faculty Senate support the phased, graduated re-opening of the University that prioritizes essential learning activities while mitigating the risks those activities pose to students, staff and faculty.

AND, commend the University collaboration with the Faculty to develop the phased, graduated re-opening plan.

AND, recognize the need for timely and transparent communication on important policies and procedures that impact the educational, health, and financial matters of students, staff, and faculty.

AND, recognize the need to periodically reassess the risks and benefits of University activities in light of rapidly evolving conditions and knowledge.

WE, THEREFORE, call for the University to develop, periodically revise, and make publicly available criteria based in public health metrics that will be used to decide when transitions between the phases of pandemic operation are warranted.

FURTHERMORE, We call for these criteria to be developed and these decisions to be made using the principles of shared governance.

Motion passed via Qualtrics survey.

Please click here for the August 3, 2020 Faculty Senate Voting Report 1 [PDF]

Please click here for the August 3, 2020 Faculty Senate Voting Report 2 [PDF]

Please click here for the August 3, 2020 Faculty Senate Voting Report 3 [PDF]

[Motion 2019/20-32]Motion to adopt the original motion presented by CAJUA to delay the furlough plan until mid-September 2020. Motion was seconded.Motion passed via Qualtrics survey.
[Motion 2019/20-33]Motion to add an August 3, 2020 Faculty Senate meeting to the existing calendar. Motion was seconded.Motion passed via Qualtrics survey.
[Motion 2019/20-34]Motion to change the Faculty Bylaws to allow a group of Faculty Senators to call an emergency Faculty Senate meeting, and to convene the Constitution and Bylaws Committee to amend the Bylaws for a Faculty Senate vote at the August 3, 2020 Faculty Senate meeting.Motion was seconded. Motion passed via Qualtrics survey.

Please click here for the July 6, 2020 Faculty Senate Voting Report 1 [PDF]

[Motion 2019/20-29]Seconded motion from Undergraduate Council to approve the Resolution in Support of the Temporary Spring 2020 Academic Grading and Eligibility Policies.Motion carried.
[Motion 2019/20-30]Motion to approve and distribute CAJUA’s alternate financial furlough plan on the All Faculty listserv.Motion passed.
[Motion 2019/20-31]Motion to distribute CAJUA’s questionnaire to instructors for resuming operations in the fall 2020 semester.Motion passed.

Please click here for the June 1, 2020 Faculty Senate Voting Report 1 [PDF]

Notable Faculty Senate Actions

This section provides links to various statements, memoranda and resolutions that have been approved by the Faculty Senate.

Contact the Faculty Officers if you would like to see additional links or resources on this page.