Faculty Senate Meeting


3 – 5 p.m., Sept. 12, 2022


Meeting held in person in LAW 164 

  1. Call to order.
  2. Approval of the Agenda: Vice Chair of the Faculty, Mona Hymel (5 minutes)
  3. Approval of the minutes from May 2, 2022 (2 minutes)
  4. Consent Agenda – BS in Religious Studies for Health Professionals; UG Minor in Southwest Studies – Chair of the Undergraduate Council, Molly Bolger. (5 minutes)
  5. Statement from the Chair of the Faculty – Leila Hudson (5 minutes)
  6. Open Session. Time limit is 2 minutes. Maximum number of speakers is four. No comments or votes will be taken. (8 minutes)

    1. Remembering Former Chair of the Faculty, Wanda Howell. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences colleague, Melanie Hingle (5 minutes)
  7. Reports from the President, Provost, Secretary of the Faculty, Faculty Officers, APPC, RPC, SAPC, DEI, COFM, SGRC, Graduate Council, Undergraduate Council, SPBAC, ASUA, GPSC, UArizona Staff Council, Gen Ed Office with UWGEC.
  8. Old Business
    1. Information Item: Research Policy Committee (RPC) – Facilities & Administrative (F&A) Costs – RPC Chair, David Cuillier and RPC Member, Paul Gordon (10 minutes)
    2. UAGC Update/Discussion – President Robert Robbins (15 minutes)
    3. Discussion Item: Furlough COLA follow-up for ad hoc committee. (5 minutes)
  1. New Business
    1. Action Item: Faculty Senate Voting Procedures – Parliamentarian, Mark Stegeman (10 minutes)
    2.  RII Senate Seat DiscussionAttachment A, Attachment B, Attachment C - Secretary of the Faculty, Tessa Dysart & Associate Vice President, University Research Institutes, Elliott Cheu (10 minutes)
    COVID update – President Robert Robbins (10 minutes)
    4, General Education – Executive Director for Undergraduate Education, Susan Miller-Cochran & UWGEC Chair, Joan Curry (10 minutes)
  2. Adjournment at precisely 5:00 p.m.