3 – 5 p.m., Sept. 9, 2019
Old Main Silver and Sage Room
- Call to order
- Approval of the minutes of May 6, 2019. 2 minutes.
- Information Item: Introductions to the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, Liesl Folks, Senior Vice President for Research, Innovation & Impact, Elizabeth Cantwell, Associate Vice Provost for Academic Administration, Greg Heileman, Incoming deans of the College of Medicine-Tucson, Michael M.I. Abecassis, College of Engineering, David Hahn, College of Nursing, Ida M. Moore, Veterinary Medicine, Julie Funk, and Interim Dean for University of Arizona South, Linda Denno. 5 minutes.
- Open Session: Statements at the Podium on any topic, limited to two minutes. Maximum number of speakers is four. No discussion is permitted, and no votes will be taken. 8 minutes.
- Q & A for ASUA, GPSC, APAC, CSC, RPC, APPC, SAPC reports. 5 minutes.
- Faculty Officers' Report with Q & A - Chair of the Faculty, Jessica Summers. 10 minutes.
- Provost's Report with Q & A - Provost Liesl Folks. 10 minutes.
- President's Report with Q & A - President Robert C. Robbins. 10 minutes.
- Information Item: Campus Conversations and Campus Climate Initiatives - Chief Compliance Officer, Celina Ramirez. 15 minutes.
- Information Item: Early Childhood Center - Professor of Teaching, Learning, Sociocultural Studies, Iliana Reyes. 20 minutes
- Action Item: Presentation of the UA Mission Statement and Values - Senior Vice President for Marketing and Communications, Steve Moore. 20 minutes.
- Action Item: Constitution and Bylaws revisions, Chair of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee, Amy Fountain. 5 minutes.
- Other business. 2 minutes.
- Adjournment.
Link to Hear Faculty Senate Meeting