3 – 5 p.m., Oct. 5, 2020
- Call to Order.
- *Action Item: Approval of the minutes of September 14, 2020. (Will be approved via Qualtrics survey at the conclusion of the meeting.)
- *Action Item: Proposed One-Time Adjustments to Spring 2021 Calendar to Mitigate Spread of COVID-19 with rationale (Will be approved via Qualtrics Survey at the conclusion of the meeting).
- *Executive Session: Confidential Naming Request (Will be approved via Qualtrics Survey at the conclusion of the meeting).
- Open Session: Statements at the podium not to exceed two minutes, maximum number of speakers is four. No votes will be taken. 8 minutes.
- President's, Provost’s, Faculty Officers’, ASUA, GPSC, GFFAC, Global Campus Senate Advisory Committee, APAC, CSC, RPC, APPC, SAPC, DEI, Undergraduate Council, Graduate Council Reports.
- Information Item: Establishing a Basic Student Needs Task Force – Student Regent, Anthony Rusk. 10 minutes.
- Information Item: Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion with Presentation– Chair Stephanie Troutman, Vice Chair and Faculty Senator, Abraham Acosta, and Interim Chair, Rebecca Tsosie. 15 minutes.
Discussion and Possible Action Item: Open Meeting Law and Senate Business Meeting with Q & A - Senator Dan McDonald. 10 minutes.
Discussion Item: Constitution and Bylaws revisions with rationale – Secretary of the Faculty, Michael Brewer. 30 minutes.
- Discussion Item: Financial/furlough discussion – SPBAC, GFFAC, and Senate. 10 minutes.
- New business.
- Adjournment.