Faculty Senate Meeting


3 to 5 p.m., Oct. 5, 2020
  1. Call to Order.
  2. *Action Item: Approval of the minutes of September 14, 2020. (Will be approved via Qualtrics survey at the conclusion of the meeting.)
  3. *Action Item: Proposed One-Time Adjustments to Spring 2021 Calendar to Mitigate Spread of COVID-19 with rationale (Will be approved via Qualtrics Survey at the conclusion of the meeting).
  4. *Executive Session: Confidential Naming Request (Will be approved via Qualtrics Survey at the conclusion of the meeting).
  5. Open Session: Statements at the podium not to exceed two minutes, maximum number of speakers is four. No votes will be taken. 8 minutes.
  6. President's, Provost’sFaculty Officers’, ASUA, GPSC, GFFAC, Global Campus Senate Advisory Committee, APAC, CSC, RPC, APPC, SAPC, DEI, Undergraduate CouncilGraduate Council Reports. 
  7. Information Item: Establishing a Basic Student Needs Task Force – Student Regent, Anthony Rusk. 10 minutes.
  8. Information Item: Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion with Presentation– Chair Stephanie Troutman, Vice Chair and Faculty Senator, Abraham Acosta, and Interim Chair, Rebecca Tsosie. 15 minutes.
  9. Discussion and Possible Action Item: Open Meeting Law and Senate Business Meeting with Q & A - Senator Dan McDonald. 10 minutes.

  10. Discussion Item: Constitution and Bylaws revisions with rationale – Secretary of the Faculty, Michael Brewer. 30 minutes.

  11. Discussion Item: Financial/furlough discussion – SPBAC, GFFAC, and Senate. 10 minutes.
  12. New business.
  13. Adjournment.