Committee on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion considers issues and forwards action items to Faculty Senate that relate to diversity, equity, or inclusion (e.g., policies that foster an environment of civility and mutual respect, issues affecting diversity from an overall university perspective, external requirements on the university affecting diversity, administration of university affirmative action grants and awards, etc.).

Membership Requirements

The Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion consists of seven members of the General Faculty (majority must be Senators), appointed by the Vice Chair of the Faculty in consultation with the Senate Executive Committee, plus two student representatives. The chair of DEI is appointed by the Chair of the Faculty.

Committee Chairs

Associate Professor of Practice
Committee Co-Chair
2024 - 2025

Membership List

Associate Professor
Educational Policies COE
2021 - 2023
Public Health
GPSC Representative
2022 - 2024
Associate Professor
Health Promotion Sciences
2024 - 2025
Faculty Senate Member
Professor, Vice Chair of the Faculty
College of Law
ex officio: Vice Chair of the Faculty
2024 - 2026
Faculty Senate Member
Professor of Practice
Africana Studies COH
2024 - 2025
Assistant Professor
College of Information Science
2024 - 2025
Faculty Senate Member
Associate Professor of Practice
Committee Co-Chair
2024 - 2025
Faculty Senate Member

Upcoming Meetings

There are no upcoming events listed.