Chair Talk 3.12 Civic Engagement on Inauguration Day

Dec. 19, 2016

Civic Engagement on Inauguration Day

In the wake of the presidential election, many among us are concerned about our community and its most vulnerable members. At universities across the country, students and faculty alike are engaging in a variety of activities to educate and learn from each other, and to foster safe, inclusive environments where everyone can thrive. These activities have taken many forms.

Here at the UA, several faculty and community members have planned an event on January 20th highlighting nonviolent protest and a commitment to unity and solidarity.  A day-long teach-in will be followed by a march from Old Main to El Presidio Park in downtown Tucson. The purpose of these events is to provide a nonpartisan space for concerned members of our community to dialogue about nonviolent action and to showcase the strength in our diversity.

As Chair of the Faculty Senate, and in keeping with the UA’s 100% Engagement policy, I encourage you to repurpose your classes on that day so that you and your students may engage in the day’s activities, which run from 9am to 5pm on the UA Mall.  Below is a tentative lineup for the day.

Teach-in on Civic Engagement and Non-Violent Protest
Monica Casper and Roberto Rodriguez, emcees

9 am       Judith McDaniels, the importance of an informed citizenry and the public voices of activists
10 am     Eve Shapiro, youth involvement in organized politics
11 am     Jeannine Relly, fact-checking and journalism
12 pm     Maha Nassar, deconstructing myths about Islam
1 pm       Nina Rabin, immigrant rights and US law 
2 pm       Enrico Trevisani, DACA issues & sanctuary status
3 pm       Tyina Steptoe, history of the KKK and white nationalism in USA
4 pm       Denis Provencher and Annette Joseph-Gabriel, hate speech, what it is, where it is happening 
and how to report it 
5 pm       Phyllis Taoua & Suzi Dovi, how to organize non-violent protest 

The Inauguration Day March for Unity and Solidarity will start at 5 pm at Old Main and march to El Presidio Park on Alameda Street, with a concert in the park to follow.