3 – 5 p.m., April 1, 2024
Silver and Sage Room-Old Main
- Call to order.
- Approval of the Agenda: Vice Chair of the Faculty, Presiding Officer Mona Hymel (5 minutes) Please note that time limits will be enforced with Presiding Officer’s discretion to allocate a total of 30 minutes to be distributed to individual items as necessary.
- Approval of the minutes for the
February 19andMarch 11, 2024 Faculty Senate Meetings - Postponed. (2 minutes)
- Open Session. Time limit is 2 minutes. Maximum number of speakers is four. No comments or votes will be taken. Annamarie Tellez, Senator Alex Braithwaite, Senator Marlys Witte, Senator Mark Stegeman (8 minutes)
- Statement from the Chair (10 minutes)
- Report from the President – President Robert Robbins (10 minutes)
- Report from the Provost – Interim Provost Ron Marx (10 minutes)
- Action Item: Approval of the 2028-2029 Academic Calendar – Vice Chair of the Faculty, Mona Hymel (5 minutes)
- Action Item: Consent Agenda (no discussion) – Chair of the Undergraduate Council, Holly Nelson, and Co-Chairs of the Graduate Council Hong Cui and Sanlyn Buxner (5 minutes)
Undergraduate Dean's List, Honors & Awards Policy Amendment
- Old Business
A. Ad Hoc IT Committee report discussion – Chair of the Faculty, Leila Hudson, and IT Committee Chair, Tyson Swetnam (20 minutes)
B. Ad Hoc Financial Recalibration Committee update – GFFRC Chair, Gary Rhoades (15 minutes)
- New Business
A. Action Item: Resolution - Opposition to HB 2735: "We, the Faculty Senate of the University of Arizona, oppose House Bill 2735." (5 minutes)
- Written reports from the President, Provost, Faculty Officers, APPC, RPC, SAPC, DEI, Constitution and Bylaws Committee, SGRC, Graduate Council, Undergraduate Council, SPBAC, ASUA, GPSC, UArizona Staff Council, Gen Ed Office with UWGEC, C11 (5 Minutes)
- Executive Session - Honorary Degree (10 minutes)
Adjournment at precisely 5:00 p.m.