3 – 5 p.m., Jan. 23, 2023
Law 160
- Call to order.
- Approval of the Agenda: Vice Chair of the Faculty, Mona Hymel (5 minutes) Please note that time limits will be enforced
- Open Session. Time limit is 2 minutes. Maximum number of speakers is four. No comments or votes will be taken. (8 minutes)
- Statement from the Chair of the Faculty – Chair of the Faculty, Leila Hudson. (5 minutes)
Action Item: Consent agenda –– Military Excused Absence Policy Proposal and Benchmarking; Undergraduate Leaves of Absence Policy Proposal and Benchmarking; Proposal Graduate Minor Global Health; Proposal MA Bioethics; Request to Rename Division of Public Health Practice and Translation to the Department of Public Health Practice, Policy, and Translational Research – Chair of Undergraduate Council, Claudia Stanescu, and Co-chairs of the Graduate Council, Ron Hammer and Hong Cui (5 minutes)
Action Item: Consent agenda – Approval of the minutes of the September 12, October 3, November 7, and December 5, 2022 Faculty Senate meetings (5 minutes)
- Old Business
A. Action Item: Reform of Nominating Committee procedures – Chair of the Faculty, Leila Hudson (15 minutes)
B. Senate Voting Resolution – Parliamentarian Mark Stegeman (10 minutes)
C. Action Item: Research Policy Committee Recommendation on F & A – Chair of Research Policy Committee, David Cuillier (5 minutes)
D. Possible Action Item: Constitution and Bylaws Changes; Attachment one, Attachment two, Attachment three, Attachment four, Attachment five, Attachment six, Attachment seven,, Constitution and Bylaws Committee Suggested Changes – Secretary of the Faculty, Tessa Dysart (15 Minutes)
E. Faculty Senate Seat for RII – Chair of APPC, John Milbauer, and Secretary of the Faculty, Tessa Dysart (5 minutes)
F. Update on General Education proposal; Civic Learning Outcomes and UArizona Crosswalk – Executive Director of Undergraduate Education, Susan Miller-Cochran (10 minutes)
- New Business
A. Accreditation change from HLC to WASC – Provost Liesl Folks (20 minutes)
B. Resolution requesting decision on Constitution and Bylaws changes from
spring 2022 – Parliamentarian Mark Stegeman (5 minutes)
- Reports from the President, Provost, Faculty Officers, APPC, RPC, SAPC, DEI, Constitution and Bylaws Committee, SGRC, Graduate Council, Undergraduate Council, SPBAC, ASUA, GPSC, UArizona Staff Council, Gen Ed Office with UWGEC
9. Adjournment at precisely 5:00 p.m.
JANUARY 23, 2023