Faculty Senate Meeting


3 – 5 p.m., Nov. 1, 2021
  1. Call to order.
  2. Action Item: Approval of the Agenda. (2 minutes)
  3. Action Item: Approval of the minutes of October 4, 2021. (2 minutes)
  4. Open Session: Statements at the podium on any topic, limited to two minutes.  Maximum number of speakers is four. No discussion is permitted, and no votes will be taken. 8 minutes or less.
  5. Reports from the President, Provost, Faculty Officers, APPC, RPC, SAPC, DEI, Graduate Council, Undergraduate Council, SPBAC, ASUA, GPSC, UArizona Staff Council. (10 minutes)
  6. Action Item: Consent Agenda – Undergraduate Minor in Neuroscience; Undergraduate Minor AETI Community Innovation; Double Use of Courses Amendment. Chair of the Undergraduate Council, Molly Bolger. (5 minutes)
  7. Action Item: Consent Agenda – (Pending) – Chair of the Graduate Council, Ron Hammer. (5 minutes)
  8. Information Item and Possible Action Item: Senate Resolution on College Faculty Advisory Committees – Secretary of the Faculty, Michael Brewer (10 minutes)
  9. Information Item and Possible Action Item: Summary of Constitution and Bylaws changes for discussion and possible vote – Secretary of the Faculty, Michael Brewer. (20 minutes)
  10. Information Item: Changes to UHAP – Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, Andrea Romero. (10 minutes)
  11. Information item: Q & A regarding Academic Program and Policy Approval Processes –  Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, Greg Heileman, and Executive Director for General Education, Susan Miller-Cochran. (30 minutes)
  12. Adjournment.



Supplemental Documents for the Faculty Senate Meeting