Faculty Senate Meeting


3 – 5 p.m., May 4, 2020
  1. Call to order
  2. *Action Item: Senate Elections for University Committee on Ethics and Commitment, Committee on Conciliation, University Hearing Board, Shared Governance Review Committee, Grievance Clearinghouse Committee, Senate Executive Committee (Will be done via Qualtrics survey once the meeting is adjourned and close at 5:00 p.m. May 5, 2020)
  3. *Action Item via Qualtrics survey: Consent Agenda – BA in Studies of Global MediaBA in Games and BehaviorBS in Game Design and DevelopmentProposal to Revise the 18-Unit Cap on Withdrawals PolicyProposal to revise the Grade Replacement Opportunity PolicyPass/Fail Grading Policy for Transfer Students– Chair of the Undergraduate Council, Neel Ghosh. (Will be done via Qualtrics survey once the meeting is adjourned and close at 5:00 p.m. May 5, 2020).
  4. *Action Item via Qualtrics survey: Consent Agenda – MA in Studies of Global Media – Chair of the Graduate Council, Ron Hammer. (Will be done via Qualtrics survey once the meeting is adjourned and close at 5:00 p.m. May 5, 2020).
  5. *Approval of the minutes of April 6, 2020 (Will be done via Qualtrics survey once the meeting is adjourned and close at 5:00 p.m. May 5, 2020).
  6. Open Session: Oral reports will be given and not to exceed two minutes.
  7. Information Item: Response to concerns regarding the COVID-19 Crisis and Implications: Provost Liesl Folks, and Chief Finanaical Officer, Lisa Rulney – Chair of the Faculty, Jessica Summers. Time will be designated for a Q & A session with campus leaders in lieu of reports. Faculty Senators' questions may be submitted via Zoom chat. 
  8. President, Provost, Faculty Officers, ASUA, GPSC, APAC, CSC, RPC, APPC, SAPC Reports. Questions should be submitted via Zoom Chat and answered via Chat.
  9. Other business. 2 minutes.
  10. Adjournment

Click here for the audio recording from the May 4, 2020 Faculty Senate

Click here for the video recording from the May 4, 2020 Faculty Senate*
*Note:  the first open session speakers are audio-only.