Academic Personnel Policy Committee

The Academic Personnel Policy Committee receives reports and considers and forwards action items to the Faculty Senate relating to academic personnel policies (e.g., promotion and tenure/continuing status, policy and procedures, statistical report on decisions from the previous year, sabbatical and leave of absence policy, performance evaluation policy and procedures and their relationship to salaries, definition of faculty membership, and governance).

Membership Requirements

The Academic Personnel Policy Committee shall consist of seven General Faculty members, a majority of whom must be members of the Faculty Senate. The committee members shall be appointed by the Vice Chair of the Faculty, after consultation with the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, from names suggested by the Nominating Committee or other members of the General Faculty. Student members of this committee shall be nominated by the Associated Students of the University of Arizona (ASUA) and by the Graduate and Professional Student Council (GPSC). Members of this committee shall serve one-year terms.

Committee Chairs

Associate Professor
Cellular and Molecular Medicine
Committee Co-Chair
2024 - 2025

Membership List

Associate Professor
Medicine COM-T
2024 - 2025
Faculty Senate Member
Associate Professor
Pharmacy Practice & Science PHARM
Committee Member
2019 - 2025
Associate Professor
School of Theater, Film and Television
Senate Representative
2024 - 2025
Faculty Senate Member
Associate Professor
Environmental Science, Arizona Institute for Resilience
2019 - 2024
GPSC Representative
2024 - 2025
Associate Professor
Cellular and Molecular Medicine
Committee Co-Chair
2024 - 2025
Associate Professor of Practice
Humanities Administration
2024 - 2025
Faculty Senate Member
Researcher/Scientist III
2021 - 2024
Senior Lecturer
English SBS
Committee Member
2024 - 2025
Faculty Senate Member

Upcoming Meetings

There are no upcoming events listed.